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Category: Protocols, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Title: sendmail_holes.shtml

Description: (version 1.0) - the most known Sendmail holes. Just to show you what we mean by The Buggiest Daemon on Earth.

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Category: Protocols, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / Internet Protocol (IP)

Title: tcp-ip_for_newbies.shtml

Description: (version 1.1) - an excellent beginner's guide on the basics of TCP/IP and a bit more. Great for every newbie, but also good for more advanced people, to check and clarify some things, see if you missed anything etc'.

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Category: Protocols, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Title: sendmail_tutorial.shtml

Description: (version 2.6) - find out why Sendmail is called 'the buggiest daemon on earth', and find out what a daemon is anyway. Tons of ways to crack into big computers as well as PCs unleashed, including, of course, information on how to block these holes. Oh, and you'll also learn how to send fake mails by easily fooling Sendmail or other SMTP daemons!

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The FTP Tutorial by Spiderman

Category: Protocols, File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Title: The FTP Tutorial by Spiderman

Description: After reading the old FTP tutorial, I decided rather then fixing it up, a complete rewrite was necessary. In this new FTP tutorial, instead of following in the footsteps of the old tutorial, I would actually like to talk about the File Transfer Protocol. This tutorial is aimed at the intermediate newbie. One that knows the basics of the internet: what a socket is, what TCP/IP is, etc.

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The FTP Tutorial

Category: Protocols, File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Title: The FTP Tutorial

Description: covers FTP hacking, FTP commands, what the hell is FTP and tons of tips and tricks (not all FTP-related) in the newbies corner.

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